High Power Rocketry
individually built high power rocketry
Project lead: Jasper Stedman jasper.stedman@ubseds.org
A strong interest in High-Power Rocketry is one of UB-SEDS’s greatest assets and a favorite tradition. Recently, seven of the US-SEDS Rocketry participants traveled to Torrey Farms in Potter, NY to launch their individual rockets and earn National Association of Rocketry certifications. In April, five participants earned their Level 1 Certifications and another earned his Level 2 Certification. UB-SEDS members generally attend these launches once or twice a year.
Students can build their own rockets starting with a Level 1, and working up to a Level 2, once they've received their level certifications. Each level certification allows students to purchase larger motors that they can then use to design larger rockets.
More information can be found on the National Association of Rocketry's Website.